
At this time I doubt anyone actually visits this website, but I intend to keep it going as I continue to re-develop as an independent recording artist. If you’ve read my long Bio, or have kept up with me over the years; you already know I’ve only in the past couple of years found a way to manage my crippling ADHD enough to make music again. I’m learning a whole new way of doing things after 23 years dormant both in how to make my music ideas come to life, but also in how to navigate today’s music/music business landscape. I’m still trying to develop my new sound as I learn new tools; and I’m doing this while working a full time job that has nothing to do with music, or the music business. Another obstacle is the ADHD which is not ‘cured’, but is only managed just enough to enable me to return to this life long passion; and focus long enough to make songs again. I have not been good at the social media and marketing efforts mostly due to the lack of free time, and the amount of that ‘free’ time spent just trying to make music. I should do better. I need to do better. I’m still trying to figure out how.

So, here’s a stab…. I’m using this post to update anyone interested in my music on what’s has been going on. “Purple Shirt (Happy New Year)” was released in May. At the time I already had a few other projects started. I had a new version of a song I wrote back in 1987 in the works; I had stumbled into starting a new version of a song I wrote in the mid-1990s; and I had started work on a cover of a song that was a hit back in the early 1970s. I’ve long been interested in the concept of creating music, and mixes that had a 3D effect. I like hearing movement and space in music mixes. I remember listening to old Pink Floyd being fascinated at the auditory extras added to much of their old music. I started learning about Dolby Atmos. It was included in a fairly recent update of Logic Pro which is my DAW of choice. I opened a Dolby Atmos session in Logic Pro for the sake of exploring & tinkering. I quickly found myself with a brand new song idea to add to my ongoing projects!

So, the cover song, and the song from the 1990s were completely put on a back burner. As I started developing this new song in the Dolby Atmos session, I continued work on the new version of that song I wrote in the 1980s. That ‘80s song was virtually finished, but with this new song in the works, I decided to hold back on the release. I wanted to focus on the new song, and get it out. I also thought it might be wise to release the new version of that old song along with at least one other new version of one of my old songs. I might make that an EP, a full album, or I may just release a 2 song ‘single’. That’s yet to be decided. I have the new song close to being done. I have struggled with the vocals on it, and it comes down to further defining my sound while working with my shortcomings. The original vision of the song now seems unworkable because I can’t get the vocals to work with that idea as I envision it. I have a new vision for it, and it also shapes how I feel I should approach my future songs. I originally intended to have this new song released first week of August. Realistically it now appears it will likely have a release date in the first, or second week of September.

As I have been nearing completion of the new song I started thinking about what I would do next. That rabbit hole took me to starting work on another song I wrote in the mid-1980s! So, at least one new song coming soon, and possibly 2-6 more by end of the year depending on how things go. Stay tuned!



At last! Another New Single


New Single