At last! Another New Single

P.D.L.M.! (Please Don’t Leave Me)

The new single is coming out on all the major digital services on Friday September 2.

This song was a tremendous challenge to record, and produce. I put a ton of work into it. As usual, it’s not perfect. After pouring so much into this I still hear things that maybe should have been done differently. As I’ve said before, I’m sharing my progress publicly with everyone. I have learned a great deal. Much of that learning came the hard way with lots of frustrations. I still have much to learn. Again, as I’ve said before, it’s my hope that I get better with each release. I feel confident this is the best one so far, and I look forward to release day. I hope many of you really enjoy it. So far I’ve been getting good feedback from those close to me.

The artwork was my creation, but using elements created by Gordon Johnson. I really like his style, and I expect to use more of his stuff in the future.


First release of 2023

