Pan-Pan Fell

The J-Vance project was launched in 2021 as a return to making music after being creatively frozen for 23 years. I wanted to share publicly, ‘warts and all’, my efforts as I learned how to make music again in the bedroom of my small downtown apartment. Much has changed over the 23 years, and I continue to learn.

Welcome to the next phase

The J-Vance project has been a mix of mostly brand new songs with 1 cover song, and 2 songs that were new versions of songs I originally wrote 1986 & 1987. This new project marks a ‘graduation’ of sorts in that I feel I have gotten a grasp on the sounds I want to make, and a lot better understanding of how to make it happen. I’m far from perfecting all this, and you’ll see the progress continue. It’s like I’m finishing high school, and now I’m heading off to start my university education. I’m excited for this new phase.

I had many musical creations in the 1980s & 1990s. Some of those were songs performed live on stage with bands/projects. Several songs made it into a studio with musicians to record. 3 of those recorded songs were played on local broadcast radio stations in Nashville, TN. On the other hand, much never got a proper demo, or anything else shareable. Over the years I’ve thought it was a shame to leave all those creations behind. I’ve toyed with the idea of recording new versions of a lot of the old stuff.

After much thought I decided that the launch of this new project is a great opportunity to revisit a lot of that old music; make new versions of the better ones; and release them to the world. This does not mean I’ll stop creating brand new songs. I already have a few brand new ones in the works. It just may be a while before I share any of those. So far with the J-Vance project I have been releasing 1-2 track singles. I’ve been asked when I might do an album.

Well, here it comes! This project is launching with an album of 10 tracks. It’s all new versions of things I originally did 1988-1992. It’s been a great experience breathing new life into these old creations. I have plans for more albums following this first one to continue rescuing those old creations. I look forward to getting this released, and I hope many of you will enjoy the results. Music I created and dreamed of releasing decades ago is now getting its chance.