The Music

The YouTube generated videos of my music releases.

Newest to oldest by project.

Pan-Pan Fell

First single from the debut Pan-Pan Fell album.

Released August 3, 2024

Bonus track with the first single from the debut Pan-Pan Fell album. This bonus track will not be on the initial album release.

Released August 3, 2024

Most recent release from the J-Vance project.

Released December 29, 2023


This is the shortened version/edit of the song.

Released July 7, 2023

This is the longer, more 'epic' version of the song.

Released July 7, 2023

The NIA.01 release was done to differentiate these songs from the others. The 2 songs on this release are not brand new songs. They are new versions of songs originally written in the 1980s. "Cathleen" was originally written in 1987. This is a new version created in 2023.

Released December 23, 2022

The NIA.01 release was done to differentiate these songs from the others. The 2 songs on this release are not brand new songs. They are new versions of songs originally written in the 1980s. "You Fade Away" was originally written in 1986. This is a new version created in 2023.

Released December 23, 2022

Released September 2, 2022

This is the Explicit Lyrics version.

Released May 6, 2022

This is the Clean/Radio Edit version.

Released May 6, 2022

Released September 3. 2021

This was my first completed song since 1996. I had stopped trying in 1998. I now know it was due to worsening untreated ADHD. In 2021 I was diagnosed and I began treatment for ADHD. I found myself able again to develop my music ideas into completed songs! After 23 years I had to learn all new tools for creating music. I decided to share my progress 'warts and all' as I learned by launching the J-Vance project, and releasing my work as I learned. Hopefully, I am getting better over time. The journey continues. I still have much to learn & growing to do.

Released April 23, 2021