Following Up Craziness

April 23 the first new song I was able to finish since 1998, “It’s All Crazy”, was released to the world. Since then I have I have been addressing cleaning up after decades of worsening ADHD including a lot of stuff to make my home a better place. Along the way I got Shingles which was very painful, and pretty much took me down for about 3 weeks. I mostly recovered from Shingles, and I recently finished a major project in my home reinvention. I am pausing further work on the home improvement until I get at least one more song ready to release to the world. I started 3 productions before getting Shingles & occupying myself with this ADHD cleanup thing, but didn’t get much done with them. Just as I was ready to get back to my ‘studio’ my office/studio chair died! The replacement arrived today, and after assembly I cranked up the studio for the first time in weeks. I reviewed the work I had done previously, but didn’t feel inspired to work on them today. Instead I opened a new session, and started on a 4th production. After being away from the music production mindset for a couple months, I can really feel a need to reengage with that way of thinking. Producing music involves a fairly unique talent & skillset especially for someone not neurotypical like me. ADHD certainly brings extra challenges to it. So, the goal is to have at least one new song released by Halloween. I intend to be better about updates going forwards stay tuned!

Cranking the studio back up. new song by Halloween is the goal!

Cranking the studio back up. new song by Halloween is the goal!


2022: Plans-Goals-Wishes


It’s All Crazy