New Song Coming Soon!

A new song is coming!

Well, during the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday I started working on a whole new song! This one has captured me, and I’ve been doing a lot of work on it. I’m confident it will be the next single, and I still hope to have it out by March. I’m at the stage with it that the major parts are written, fleshed out, and basic tracks recorded. Next is nailing down the arrangement, and getting all the new parts recorded. I am also trying to work out the vocal tracks, and trying to get my voice in shape to do the vocals. I’ve developed a compulsion to hum almost constantly which make my throat sore, and definitely impairs the quality of my voice. Yes, I’m crazy. If you follow me, or know me; you already know… This new song has a slightly different sound than the last 2 releases. It has more synth sounds, and less guitar sounds. I may not wind up using guitar at all on it at all. I still have a handful of other projects started that I may be working on as well in hopes of turning out more releases after this one. This is a brand new song, so it’s getting top priority. The other projects are covers, and new versions of my old songs. I may wind up cranking those out with relatively minimal production work just to get them done, and share with everyone. We’ll see how that goes!




2022: Plans-Goals-Wishes