Going Home


Top Countries

  1. United States

  2. Germany

  3. Italy

  4. New Zealand

  5. United Kingdom

Top Cities

  1. Chattanooga, TN, USA

  2. Frankfurt am Main, Germany

  3. Berlin, Germany

  4. Waikato, New Zealand

  5. London, UK

  6. Atlanta, GA, USA

  7. New York, NY, USA

  8. City of St. Peters, MO, USA

  9. Knoxville, TN, USA

  10. Nashville, TN, USA

My newest song “Going Home” was released a week ago today. I did very little promotion for it. I still have yet to recover my hacked & disabled original Facebook account which I used to manage the original official page for this music project. I haven’t given up. It’s a shame because I used that page to communicate to my followers, and I would have loved to reach out to them about my new song. I threw that in as an update, but primarily to set up news about the first week stats for the song.

Now, of course, I’m still a very small independent artist doing this part time. I’d love to make this project my full time job, but it falls way short of paying the bills. My numbers are small; I’ve yet to have any of my songs reach 1000 plays on Spotify. Still, I find it interesting to see what happens with each release. With the lack of marketing and promotion I laid out in the start of this post; this song has been getting more first week attention than expected. In fact, I think the first week numbers are higher than they were for any of my other releases. Not sharing exact number here, but I do want to share interesting trends for the first week. Thanks to all of you supporting me in this journey!

Apple Music

Top Cities

  1. New York, NY, USA

  2. Kalamazoo, MI, USA

  3. Atlanta, GA, USA


Top Countries

  1. United States

  2. Germany

  3. France

  4. United Kingdom

  5. Italy

Top Stores

  1. Spotify

  2. iTunes/Apple Music

  3. YouTube

  4. Pandora

  5. Amazon Music


Laid Low


First release of 2023